Australian Curriculum Categories
Practise strategies they can use when they feel uncomfortable, unsafe or need help with a task, problem or situation
- identifying and rehearsing strategies they can use when requiring assistance, such as asking an adult, reading basic signs and solving a problem with friends (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability)
- locating and recording phone numbers of local organisations they can contact in case of emergency and rehearsing a phone call to triple zero (Skills: Literacy, Personal and Social Capability)
- identifying situations that require the help of emergency services (Skills: Personal and Social Capability)
- recognising photos and locations of safe places and a network of people who can help (Skills: Literacy, Personal and Social Capability)
- describing warning signs (physical, emotional and external) that can help them to know if they are safe or unsafe (Skills: Personal and Social Capability)
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2 teaching resources for those 'aha' moments