Australian Curriculum Categories
Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place
- creating a bank of movement games and physical activity cards students can select from and play during lesson breaks and before or after school (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- exploring sustainable practices that students can implement in the classroom to improve health and wellbeing of the class (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability)
- exploring how fruit and water breaks help support class health and wellbeing)
- recognising how their actions help keep classmates safe, including identifying things not to be shared due to potential of contamination, infection and anaphylaxis (Skills: Personal and Social Capability)
- explaining and demonstrating how being fair and respectful contributes to class health and wellbeing (Skills: Literacy, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding)
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6 teaching resources for those 'aha' moments
- Plus Plan
Tattling vs Telling Teaching Presentation
Teach your students the difference between ‘tattling’ and ‘telling’ with this comprehensive teaching presentation.
- Free Plan
Tattling vs Telling Worksheet
Explore the differences between ‘tattling’ and ‘telling’ with this simple worksheet.
- Free Plan
Tattling vs Telling Poster
Teach your students the difference between ‘tattling’ and ‘telling’ with this classroom display poster.
- Plus Plan
Tattling vs Telling Sorting Activity
Explore the differences between 'tattling' and 'telling' with this hands-on sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Personal Space – Social Story Video
This social story video reminds students to allow others to maintain some personal space.
- Plus Plan
Keeping My Hands and Feet to Myself – Social Story Video
This social story video reminds students of the importance of keeping their hands and feet to themselves.