32 Awesome Hundreds Board Mystery Picture Task Cards!

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Updated | 3 min read


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  • Jenna Brooks

    just wondering if these could be made editable at all so we can change the numbers around etc. eg we are looking at odd and even numbers so would like to make an picture using that theory where possible

    • Janeen

      Hi Jenna Thanks for your suggestion. Please feel free to request a resource here: https://www.teachstarter.com/request-a-resource/ Requests are voted on by the Teach Starter community. We create the top request each week. Please let me know if you have any further questions, I'm more than happy to help. Kind regards Janeen


    I have a split 1/2 class so used the 100 chart with the numbers. I chose to use the activity as a listening task as my students are super chatty. After the last number clue was called I had students calculate the AREA of the shape they discovered by counting the square units - we coloured the Cool Sun, so it was challenging but pretty straightforward. Love this resource!

    • Cassie (Teach Starter)

      What a great idea! Thank you for sharing. We're so glad you and your students have had fun using this resource!

  • Emily Moustafa

    Thank you for the for the resources my grade 2s love them.

    • Cassie (Teach Starter)

      You're welcome! We're so happy to hear your students enjoy them!

  • Zelda Quakawoot

    Thankyou for these ideas.

    • Cassie (Teach Starter)

      You're welcome!

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