40 Teacher-Tested Activities and Ideas to Set up Literacy Groups in Your Classroom

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Updated | 7 min read


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  • Maria Vournazos

    Do you have any ideas for independent comprehension tasks (at Year 2 level) that do not require worksheets? Something that can be applied to any book and is more or less open-ended and engaging?

  • James Ryan

    Where can I find the activities/changes for years 3 to 6? none of the links seem to be working. Thanks

    • James Ryan

      Hi Trish, I was just wondering if there has been any further process with my question? I would really love to use these ideas in class.

      • Holly (Teach Starter)

        Hi James, I can see what has happened there. We have changed some of our headings so those links are no longer working. I would head to our English resources and then use the filters to filter down by year levels and resource type (depending on what sort of activities you like). Here's the line to our English resources https://www.teachstarter.com/au/learning-area/english/. Hope this is helpful.

    • James Ryan

      Thanks for the prompt reply, I have tried some links in previous reply’s regarding this question.

    • Trish (Teach Starter)

      Hi James, are you able to confirm the names of the links you were trying to open? Everything appears to be working that we've been able to find!

  • Kristy Young

    With the guided reading station, how do the kids actually read to you? One at a time? Thank you

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Hi Kristy, I used to get them to read in their head and then I would tap them on the shoulder and they would then start reading to me so that I could check for fluency and decoding skills.

  • J R

    Hi, I would dearly appreciate this for Foundation x

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Great idea! Thanks for the suggestion. In the meantime, you may find our English collection filtered to 'Foundation' a helpful place to start.

  • Susie Hansen

    Hi Holly Thanks so much for such wonderful ideas and resources for reading groups. I was just wondering though if you have any comprehension activities using the comprehension strategies of 'finding the main idea', 'recalling facts and details', 'understanding sequence', recognising cause and effect', 'making predictions', 'finding word meaning in context', 'drawing conclusions and making inferences' and 'reading pictures'. I notice you had several there but only for year 3 upwards. I teach year 2 and need to teach these strategies. Do you have anything like this for the younger years? Thanks in advance

    • Kristian

      Hi Susie, We have a lot of resources which target comprehension strategies for year 2. I would suggest searching for 'comprehension' and then selecting 'Year 2' from the drop-down menu to refine the results to better suit your needs. There are stacks of worksheets, teaching presentations, posters and so on there. If there is anything else I can assist you with, please don't hesitate to contact me.

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