How To: Digital Learning in the Classroom

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Updated | 9 min read


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  • Olivia Deeming

    Great article! What age would you reccommend classcraft for?

    • Kristian

      Hi Olivia, Thank you for your lovely comment. I am so glad you enjoyed the article. I have personally used Classcraft with my year 5 class and it really brought the class together. Motivationally it was very successful for those students who struggled to maintain focus on the everyday tasks in the classroom. I could see it working for a more mature year 4 class as well but that's about where I would draw the line. Let me know how you go if you decide to try it out for your class. The trial is free and is more than enough to get you going on a test run. One suggestion I would make is to really embrace the role of Gamemaster for yourself, if the kids see you enjoying it and playing the part, they naturally fall into their roles and have fun.

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