Does Flipped Learning in a Primary Classroom Really Work?

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Updated | 7 min read


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  • Heather

    Thanks Cassie. This is a great post and I will be saving it for future reference! I like the idea of in-class flips too, something for me to do on the summer holidays.

  • Heather

    I like the idea of flipped learning. However, in many contexts, it will not work for the majority of the class. In schools I have worked in, most students do not have access to the internet. (yet) I only had 10 students out of 23 who regularly return readers. I have had parents flatly tell me that they do not think students should do "homework" as school work should be done at school. I send home readers, sight-words, and a number line to my Foundation students. Hopefully, more and more students will access iPads and smartphones and be able to view directed videos.

    • Cassie (Teach Starter)

      Hi Heather, I absolutely agree that flipped learning isn't suitable for all school communities and contexts. You're right that it really does rely on having parents and carers on board with the concept (or at least willing to give it a go!). There are a number of teachers who create "in-class flips", providing individual students or small groups with pre-prepared videos for differentiated tasks. Hannah Dodd has some information on her website about this idea if you're interested in flipped learning but need a more flexible way to integrate this style of teaching and learning. Thank you for your comment! Kind regards, Cassie

  • Lauren Wells

    I love Flipped Learning!! I use it in my class and it’s such a game changer. It allows for higher order thinking and gives my students the opportunity to bring some knowledge to the table.

    • Cassie (Teach Starter)

      Hi Lauren! Those are certainly some wonderful benefits! I think that even as adults, approaching a task with any sort of prior knowledge (whether it comes from flipped learning or not) makes us feel more comfortable and increases our ability to extend our knowledge and understanding. So it makes sense that flipped learning can empower kids in this way too. Thanks for your comment! Regards, Cassie

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