Is Dictation Just an Old-Fashioned Teaching Strategy?

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Updated | 4 min read


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  • Jo Anderson

    Our school uses the PLD - Diana Rigg program for spelling and dictation and has great results. It's all linked to focus phonemes, involves auditory fluency, writing fluency and spelling. Explicit, very effective and time efficient, and encourages editing and independence; and students can see their progress and track it - a good confidence builder. A good skill for later on - note taking listening skill. More please and more cloze reading for fast finishers, thanks.

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Thanks for your great feedback, Jo!

  • allym534

    How do teachers use the marking sheet to track progress please? Any ideas?

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Hi there, the tracker can be used however you wish. I would count how many letters and punctuation marks are used in each dication passage and give your students a mark out of a total number of letters and punctuation marks. I hope that is helpful.

  • Kelly Cashman

    My Year 6 students love Running Dictation. They look forward to this lesson every week!

  • Jo Marsh

    I have found that students are much more engaged in the editing side of their writing when they are editing a dictation. I use this as the foundation for teaching editing to year 3s.

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Thanks for your comment Jo! I agree there is still a place for dictation passages in the classroom. Kind regards, Holly

  • Fiona C

    Useful for explicit teaching especially for punctuation in sentences. I started using it with year 1's for spelling quizzes... And found a positive outcome I hadn't realised was... Children started writing better sentences of their own even using direct speech marks correctly!

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Thanks for your comment Fiona. Great to hear you had a positive outcome using dictation as a teaching strategy. So many different skills can be taught using dictation in the classroom. We hope the dictation resources we have created will also be helpful to you. Kind regards, Holly

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