Keep Encouraging Students Through School Closures

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Updated | 4 min read


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  • Ruhama Geiger

    I love the resources you have brought out for this new world! Especially the new online learning tool, any chance you could make it possible for us to upload our own resources onto the learning tool? I love having the ability to put the video, instructions and resources in one safe place.... I do occasionally use resources that are my own rather than from teachstarter though! :-)

    • Ruhama Geiger

      I thought it would be a copyright issue, I hope you can work something out. Thanks :-)

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Hi Ruhama, we're looking into this option. Unfortunately, there are some copyright concerns with allowing third-party resources to be uploaded, so we are in the process of checking with our lawyers regarding this. Fingers crossed we'll be able to add this feature soon!

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