There may not ever be one perfect way to end bullying in the classroom, but the Wrinkled Heart activity has grown in popularity with primary school teachers for good reason. The activity takes the intangible concept of hurt feelings and creates a visual example for children to understand.
Looking for a new activity for kids to learn about bullying in a way that’s easy to understand? The Teach Starter team of teachers has put together this guide to help you plan your Wrinkled Heart lesson plans!
What Is the Wrinkled Heart Activity?
Haven’t heard of the Wrinkled Heart activity? It’s been around as a social and emotional learning activity for decades — maybe a teacher used it in your own primary school classroom, maybe not — but it’s gained more widespread use around the world since the publication of the children’s book A Wrinkled Heart by Tracy Hoexter in 2015.
The concept of this anti-bullying and pro-kindness activity is simple:
- Print out a copy of a paper heart for every student in your class (this free heart template makes it easy!), and encourage them to crumple up their hearts.
- Explain that this is what happens to a person’s heart when someone says something mean or unkind.
- Ask students to straighten out their hearts and smooth out the wrinkles. They’ll notice that as hard as they try, they won’t be able to make it go back to the way it was before wrinkling the heart.
- Explain to your students that although saying sorry is the right thing to do, it still doesn’t fix the mean words that were said first. The students can smooth out their wrinkled paper hearts, but the feelings from the mean words are the wrinkles that will always be there!
As part of the wrinkled heart activity, you can teach your students some words to use when someone is saying mean things — such as ‘Please don’t wrinkle my heart’ or ‘That wrinkled my heart!’ — that will remind their classmates of the activity and the impact that words can have. Hanging up the wrinkled hearts in your classroom as a display will also serve as a reminder to your students of how their words can have an impact on their fellow classmates.
Teach Starter Teacher Tip: Arming students with the knowledge of what to do in the face of being bullied is not just empowering but it can also help curb bullying in the long run. Extend your anti-bullying lessons by teaching students explicit actions they can take if they are being bullied. Print a free classroom poster to remind them of some strategies they can take!
More Wrinkled Heart Activity Ideas
Another effective way to teach the wrinkled heart lesson is to use a video about a popular character or read a book that features a bullying situation.
- Provide each student with a colored version of the heart template.
- Play the YouTube clip below featuring the ever-popular Chrysanthemum from Kevin Henkes’ book.
- Explain to your students that they will need to listen carefully.
- When the characters in the story use mean words, they need to scrunch up their paper hearts.
- Each time Chrysanthemum’s parents use kind words, students need to try and smooth out their paper hearts.
- At the end of the story, have students smooth out the hearts as much as possible and try to fix any rips with sticky tape.
- Compare a heart that hasn’t been wrinkled with the wrinkled hearts around the classroom.
You can also go directly to the source — read Tracy Hoexter’s book with your class, and do the wrinkled heart activity! Afterward, brainstorm kind things that your students can say to one another or random acts of kindness they can perform to lift classmates’ spirits.
See more bullying resources for the primary classroom, created by teachers for teachers!
Banner image via Shutterstock/Warah38
I did this with a year 3/4 class on Valentine’s Day as part of our social and emotional learning program. This was a great activity to do at the beginning of the year to encourage kind and respectful words
That sounds wonderful, Emma! Thank you for taking the time to share that lovely feedback.
We are learning about empathy in my class of Year 3 students and Miss Twinkle definitely demonstrated this vital human characteristic.
Thanks for sharing Yvonne!
Absolutely loved this activity!! I have a year 2 class and used this activity with them on National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence day 2018. My children really responded well to this activity. They all tried so hard to smooth out the wrinkles after and found they couldn't. I explained that that's what happened to our hearts when people say mean things to us. I even took it one step further and explained to them that every time they shouted out at me or were rude to me that they were wrinkling my heart. I said that we still needed to say sorry, however it cant fix our wrinkled hearts. We then displayed our hearts on our classroom door with the wrinkled heart heading on top. My children seemed to really take what I said to heart and made an effort to come and thank me for the activity.
Hi Sarah, thanks so much for your comment. I'm so glad that your year 2 class enjoyed this activity and that your students took on the meaning of the activity.
Absolutely loved this activity!! I have a year two class and the children really responded to it and we displayed our wrinkled hearts along with the Heading about the wrinkled hearts on our door. I even took it further by talking to the children about how they wrinkle each others hearts and my heart. I explained that every time they said something mean or unkind to one of their friends that they were wrinkling their hearts. also said that each time they called out at me or were rude to me, that they were wrinkling my heart. A very beautiful activity
Hi Sarah, thanks so much for sharing your experiences with this activity. I'm so glad that your students find this helpful!
I just used this with my year 5 class. They enjoyed doing the activity, and it really opened up their eyes to affect of name calling and bullying.
Thanks so much for your comment Christina. So glad that your year 5 class enjoyed doing this great activity.