Thinking of Becoming a Relief Teacher? Here's What You Need to Know

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Updated | 6 min read


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  • Trudie Geddes

    I am a relief teacher and I love it. I started as a graduate last year as a way of getting more experience and it also suited my family (I need to be available for my children's different appointments). When you get known by the staff of a school, and they know you are reliable and follow the program as best as you can, you pick up more work. The children get to know you and you get to know them. This is also a deciding factor for some teachers. How well do you look after the needs of some of the students who can be a challenge? As the article points out, the pay varies and you need to be flexible but if you like a challenge then I highly recommend it.

    • Bronwyn

      Hey Trudie! Thanks for your fantastic comment and offering your positive perspective on relief teaching. I certainly agree that you get out what you put in! We need lots of dedicated, professional relief teachers like you in our schools! Happy holidays.

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