Teaching Resource Pack

Foundation Back-to-School Resource Pack

Teach Starter Publishing
| 19 resources| Years: F

Plan your best year yet. This back-to-school pack for foundation teachers has everything you need to be classroom-ready on your first day!

These carefully selected teaching resources from across the curriculum will inspire your teaching for the first days and weeks of the new year … and beyond.

Get the perfect look by decorating your classroom with beautifully illustrated displays and signs. Add educational posters and other display items to make your classroom shine.

Our engaging start-of-term activities will encourage your class members to get to know each other, warm-up their young minds and help them settle into new routines.

This is your year to be the teacher you were meant to be! Download your Foundation Back-to-School Teaching Pack today.

Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

We create premium quality, downloadable teaching resources for primary/elementary school teachers that make classrooms buzz!


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  • Naomi Furlong

    A great idea except it would have been good to be able to choose our state font before downloading as I had to go through and delete every other state in order to make it easier for me to locate. Thank you for the work putting it together though.

    • Paul (Teach Starter)

      Hi Naomi, Thank you for your comment. Members who have a paid subscription to Teach Starter can click on the individual resources, and then choose their preferred font from the drop down menu (the 'down' arrow on the green 'Download' button) or by utilising the the 'Customise' option where available. Information about our plans can be found at https://www.teachstarter.com/plans/

  • Olle Cooper

    Love this idea. Thank you

    • Kristian

      Hi Olle, Thank you for your lovely comment. I am so glad you are enjoying our resources.

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