Teaching Resource Pack

Penguins Classroom Theme Pack

Teach Starter Publishing
| 24 resources

An extensive collection of Penguin-themed resources to refresh your classroom decor.

Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

We create premium quality, downloadable teaching resources for primary/elementary school teachers that make classrooms buzz!


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  • Kathryn Adams

    Yay, thank you very much! This will be perfect for my unit to support The Emperor's Egg by Martin Jenkins in English and Living World in Science next year.

    • Paul (Teach Starter)

      You're most welcome, Kathryn!

  • Angie Johnson

    Soooooo happy this is finally completed!! Thank you!

    • Stephanie (Teach Starter)

      So pleased to hear that you love this theme pack, Angie! We think it's pretty amazing, too. Enjoy the penguins in your classroom!

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