Teaching Resource Pack

Split Class/Fast Finisher Booklet - Year 2 - V2

Teach Starter Publishing
| 9 resources| Years: 2

A collection of activities to curate into a split class / fast finisher booklet.

Use this collection of activities when your students need to go to another classroom or for those that have finished their work early.

Print each of the sheets and then photocopy them back to back to make a booklet.

Two versions of the front cover have been provided, one with Split Class and the other with Fast Finisher as the title.

Some of the resources have multiple pages, so you may like to just choose one or two of the pages to add into the booklet.

The activities have been selected to not only be educational but fun too!

Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

We create premium quality, downloadable teaching resources for primary/elementary school teachers that make classrooms buzz!


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  • Erin Boyle

    If all the activities could be combined into ONE document, it would make this resource so much more user friendly, being able to just print off booklets in one go, rather than opening and printing a bunch of different files individually. It also means you can't print back-to-back if they're different documents. This would apply to all the year levels for split class packs. Thanks!

    • Laica Ayo

      Hi Erin, Great feedback! I’ve made a request to our resource team via the “Suggest a Resource” function found at the bottom of our website. They’ll reach out when they’ve made both of these resources to you directly 🙂

  • Sumeya Shiekh


    • Royce (Teach Starter)

      Hey Sumeya, thank you for taking the time to share your lovely feedback.

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