
50-Book Challenge Tracker – Printable Bookmark

  • Updated

    Updated: 05 Jul 2023

Inspire your students to read fifty books during the school year with a printable 50-book Challenge Bookmark Tracker.

  • Years

    Years: 1 - 6


50-Book Challenge Tracker – Printable Bookmark

  • Updated

    Updated: 05 Jul 2023

Inspire your students to read fifty books during the school year with a printable 50-book Challenge Bookmark Tracker.

  • Years

    Years: 1 - 6

Inspire your students to read fifty books during the school year with a printable 50-book Challenge Bookmark Tracker.

Encourage Your Readers to Complete a 50-Book Challenge!

Get ready for the Fifty Book Challenge!

This challenge is all about the magic of reading. Over the course of the school year, encourage your students to become avid readers by challenging them to read FIFTY books! It may sound like a lot, but it is absolutely possible, and the benefits are endless. By having your students participate in this challenge, they’ll embark on fantastic adventures, explore new worlds, and discover the power of words.

Grab Your Book Tracking Bookmark to Colour

This printable bookmark is the perfect way to encourage your readers to read and track the number of books they read over the course of the school year. This bookmark features the word “READ” broken up into fifty small segments. Students will colour in a segment each time they read a book until their word is complete!

50 book challenge bookmarks to color

To use, simply make your photocopies, cut apart the bookmarks, and hand them out to students. If you’d like your bookmarks to be extra durable, laminate them and have students colour in their books using a permanent marker.

Download and Print Your Printable Bookmarks Today!

This resource is a breeze to use! Click the download button to download the printable PDF resource file, make your copies, and start inspiring your students to read!


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50-Book Challenge Tracker – Printable Bookmark

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