Alphabet bingo cards to assist with upper and lower case letter recognition.
Print out the bingo game cards and laminate them.
Draw out the cards with the uppercase letters and have students put a marker over the corresponding answer if they have it on their cards. Your students can decide if they need to find three letters vertically or five letters horizontally to win.
Hi I have downloaded the primary sassoon - however there is only lowercase. It is advertised as upper and lower case.
Hi Teresa, The bingo grids contain all lower case letters. The upper case letters are on the cards that are revealed one at a time. These cards are on the last two pages of the resource. The students check to see if they have the lower case version of the upper case letter that has been selected. I hope that helps clarify this resource for you. If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
This is not Queensland Beginner Font this is Qld Cursive
Hi Rebecca, Thank you very much for bringing this error to our attention. We have updated the font and it available to download again now. Kind regards Jill