
Coordinating Conjunctions Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 27 Dec 2023

Distribute this coordinating conjunctions worksheet to help your students practise joining clauses with conjunctions to form compound sentences.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year: 2


Coordinating Conjunctions Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 27 Dec 2023

Distribute this coordinating conjunctions worksheet to help your students practise joining clauses with conjunctions to form compound sentences.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year: 2

Distribute this coordinating conjunctions worksheet to help your students practise joining clauses with conjunctions to form compound sentences.

Coordinating Conjunctions Activity Worksheet

This single-page worksheet was teacher-designed to provide students with an opportunity to practise recognising and using conjunctions. This concise and purposeful resource consists of a worksheet and an answer key for easy marking.

This coordinating conjunctions worksheet focuses on common conjunctions (also known as the FANBOYS conjunctions) and sets out three activities for students to complete.

How to Use This Coordinating Conjunctions Worksheet

Simply print and go! This no-fuss approach ensures easy integration into lesson plans without the need for additional preparation.

Incorporate this resource into individual activities, guided group sessions, literacy station activities, whole-class engagement, exit tickets, and formative assessments. The versatility of this resource type allows you to tailor the resource to their instructional approach and the needs of their students.

We recognise the diverse learning needs within each classroom. This sheet can be differentiated in the following ways:

Students seeking a challenge can extend their learning by creating additional questions for each section of the worksheet, promoting critical thinking and a deeper understanding of the concept.

Conversely, for those who may find the concept challenging, the creator suggests a scaffolded approach. Students can receive support by having a peer or instructor read and guide them through the worksheet, ensuring comprehension and mastery of the material.

This teaching resource was created by Kaylyn Chupp, a teacher and Teach Starter collaborator.

Looking for More Coordinating Conjunctions Resources?

We’ve got you covered. Our expert teacher team recommends these to get you started:

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Coordinating Conjunctions Worksheet

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