An editing workbook for lower primary students containing 20 topical texts.
This is a resource that lives up to its name – it is truly epic! 20 editing passages covering a range of text types and topics!
The activities in this workbook have been designed to introduce younger students to the challenging art form that is editing a text. The students are given clues about what they must ‘find and fix’ in each text, such as spelling errors, capital letters and missing punctuation. Lines are provided for the students to write out the corrected paragraph.
The texts included in the workbook are:
- The Beach
- The Dog Shelter
- Honey Bees
- Water
- Summer
- Lines
- Longer Playtimes
- France
- Amazing Ants
- Bedtime
- Beeper
- Pets and Wildlife
- The School Garden
- Winter
- More Screen Time
- 2D Shapes
- The New Bike
- Forces
- Birthdays
- The Sense of Smell.
Text 5 (Summer) does not appear to be in the workbook ... although the answers are!
Thanks … I can see it know for some reason. :)
Hi Angela. I've just had a look for you and I can see the Summer text on page 6 of the PDF. I'd recommend re-downloading the file to check yourself. Let me know if you're still having the same problem.
This is a good resource for casual days!
Thanks so much, Natalie! We're glad we can help!