
Fox Book Report Template

  • Updated

    Updated: 16 Jun 2023

A fun fox book report template for your students to use when giving their opinion of a book.

  • Pages

    Pages: 3 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 1 - 3


Fox Book Report Template

  • Updated

    Updated: 16 Jun 2023

A fun fox book report template for your students to use when giving their opinion of a book.

  • Pages

    Pages: 3 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 1 - 3

A fun fox book report template for your students to use when giving their opinion of a book.

Use this template with your students when responding to literature in class or in the library.

Combining multiple book reports to create a class display is a fantastic collaborative activity! Students will:

  1. Read a book of their choice.
  2. Complete the book report template by answering the questions and giving the book a rating.
  3. Colour and decorate the template.
  4. Cut out the head page and body page.
  5. Paste the two pages together as indicated in the diagram.
  6. Adhere the template to a backing piece of paper or hang it directly on the display.

Two versions of the book report are included in the resource and include the following prompts:

  • Lower Years
    • How many stars out of 5 would you give this book?
    • Describe what happens in this book.
    • Draw a picture of something that happens in the book.
  • Upper Years
    • Characters
    • Setting
    • Summary
    • What is your opinion of this book?
    • Who would you recommend this book to?
    • How many stars out of 5 would you give this book?


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Fox Book Report Template

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