A set of inspire-themed templates put together in one download for two terms of teaching.
Use this Inspire 2021 teacher planner resource to help you get organised for a term.
Note: this planner includes a whole page for each day. If you’d prefer to create your own layout – check out the variety of templates we have available for the Inspire-themed Printable Teacher Planner.
This planner for two terms includes everything you need including:
- cover
- important information sheet
- your goals by month
- 12 month view
- birthday chart
- term planner – 9 week, 10 week and 11 week options
- class list progress tracker
- month views
- week views
- day views – including a combined weekend page
- posters
- mindfulness colouring pages
- student note cards
- PD Tracker
- contacts
- notes.
Download the wonderful Inspire Planner Resource pack now for all other page types.
The planner has the 2019 professional development record. Is there any chance this could be changed to reflect this year's date?
Hi Lisa, The year has been removed from the professional development page. Try downloading the PDF again for the updated version. https://www.teachstarter.com/au/teaching-resource/inspire-printable-teacher-diary-day-planner/
Thank you for this planner, is there a term 3/4 version?
Hi Emily, Thank you for your comment! If you think a Term 3/4 version would be popular, please let us know by requesting it on our 'Request a Resource' page https://www.teachstarter.com/request-a-resource/ If it attracts lots of votes, we'll be happy to make it for you!
I would love this as a digital version please :)
Great idea, Lynette! We hope to have some of these templates available in digital form soon. Stay tuned...
In terms of sustainability, the digital version would be very welcomed indeed!!
Great idea, Lachlan! Stay tuned and we hope to have some of these templates available for editing soon! Stay tuned...
Digital version would be awesome!
Thanks for the suggestion, Nadeen! We are hoping to have an editable version available soon. Stay tuned...