Number and Dot Value Cards from 1-20.
Use these cards as a game of memory or snap in order to build number and value recognition.
Number and Dot Value Cards from 1-20.
Use these cards as a game of memory or snap in order to build number and value recognition.
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Practise telling the time to the nearest hour, quarter-hour, or half-hour by matching 32 analog and digital clock dominoes.
A hands-on game to play when learning about connecting halving and doubling.
A card game for dolch sight words.
A card game for nouns, verbs and adjectives.
Carpet rings perfect for velcro carpet dots, focusing on 2D shapes and 3D objects.
Carpet rings perfect for velcro carpet dots, focusing on simple addition and subtraction of numbers.
Carpet rings perfect for velcro carpet dots, focusing on sight words.
Forty cards for dominoes using New Zealand currency.
Practise identifying fractions with this set of 32 different bingo cards.
Thirty-two preposition bingo cards with sentences.
These really shouldn't be called 'arrays' - as the even numbers are not evenly lined up or placed in equal groups. It is hard to connect the link between multiplication with these sets of cards.
Hi Morgan, Thank you for your feedback. We have renamed this resource and will be working on more array resources shortly. Kind regards Jill