
St. Paddy's Synonyms - St. Patrick's Day Craft

  • Updated

    Updated: 01 Mar 2023

Practise identifying and matching synonyms with a fun St. Patrick’s Day Craft Activity.

  • Pages

    Pages: 3 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 2 - 4


St. Paddy's Synonyms - St. Patrick's Day Craft

  • Updated

    Updated: 01 Mar 2023

Practise identifying and matching synonyms with a fun St. Patrick’s Day Craft Activity.

  • Pages

    Pages: 3 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 2 - 4

Practise identifying and matching synonyms with a fun St. Patrick’s Day Craft Activity.

Grab a Curriculum-Aligned St. Patrick’s Day Craft!

Looking for a festive and engaging way to bring some excitement to your classroom this March? Get ready to add a touch of the luck of the Irish and a whole lot of fun to your lessons with the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day holiday! We’ve created a fun four-leaf-clover craft template to help your students build their vocabulary skills by identifying and matching synonyms. Students will colour, cut, and assemble a four-leaf clover, then embellish it with gold coins containing synonyms.


Skip the Synonym Worksheets! Let’s Craft!

No need to worry about copying that same-old synonym worksheet! This engaging vocabulary craft activity is a great way to blend seasonal themes with your curriculum goals! It’s the best of both worlds!

Download and Print Your Synonym Craft Project

You’re just a click away from getting your new resource! Use the dropdown arrow on the Download button to select the Editable Google Slides resource file or the quick-print PDF version.

Before you go, check out these other St. Patrick’s Day activities that are perfect for the month of March!

[resource:4932359]   [resource:4929939]   [resource:4614304]


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St. Paddy's Synonyms - St. Patrick's Day Craft

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