Humanities and Social Sciences
In a world that is increasingly culturally diverse and dynamically interconnected, it is important that students come to understand their world, past and present, and develop a capacity to respond to challenges, now and in the future, in innovative, informed, personal and collective ways.
The Australian Curriculum for the Humanities and Social Sciences plays an important role in harnessing students’ curiosity and imagination about the world they live in and empowers them to actively shape their lives; make reflective, informed decisions; value their belonging in a diverse and dynamic society; and positively contribute locally, nationally, regionally and globally.
Thinking about and responding to issues requires an understanding of different perspectives; the key historical, geographical, political, economic and societal factors involved; and how these different factors interrelate. The Humanities and Social Sciences in F–6/7, which encompasses the knowledge and understandings of history, geography, civics and citizenship, and economics and business, gives students a deep understanding of the world they live in from a range of perspectives, past and present, and encourages them to develop an appreciation and respect for social, cultural and religious diversity.
The Australian Curriculum for the Humanities and Social Sciences empowers students to shape change by developing a range of skills to enable them to make informed decisions and solve problems. The subject provides students with the skills, behaviours and capabilities that will equip them to face challenges in their lifetime and to participate in and contribute to the wellbeing and sustainability of the environment, the economy and society. Through studying Humanities and Social Sciences, students are given opportunities to develop their ability to question, think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, make decisions and adapt to change.
Through the Humanities and Social Sciences, students become well placed to contribute to Australia’s ideas of a cohesive society, sustainable environment, productive economy and stable democracy.
- Plus Plan
Key Figures in Australian Federation Fact Sheets
A set of six fact sheets to use in the classroom for investigating key figures in Australian Federation.
- Plus Plan
Blank Map of Queensland - Template
Record and represent data about the location of significant places with this printable blank map of the Australian state of Queensland.
- Plus Plan
Five Australian Landmarks Posters
A set of 5 posters highlighting some of Australia's most famous Landmarks.
- Plus Plan
British Colonisation of Australia - Crossword
A crossword activity to use in the classroom when learning about the British Colonisation of Australia.
- Plus Plan
Gold Mining Methods
5 posters outlining gold mining techniques used during the Australian Gold Rush.
- Plus Plan
Waste Management Investigation - How Much Waste Do We Throw Away?
A practical investigation related to sustainable waste management.
- Free Plan
Blank Map of South America - Template
Record and represent data about the location of significant places with this printable blank map of the continent of South America.
- Free Plan
Natural and Built Environments - Information Sheets
A set of information sheets for selected natural and built environments.
- Plus Plan
Responsibilities of Australia's Federal Government - Cloze Worksheet
Explore the roles and responsibilities of Australian federal governments with this differentiated cloze passage worksheet.
- Plus Plan
The Roles in Australia’s Government - Interactive Activity
Learn key vocabulary terms related to the roles and responsibilities of Australia’s three levels of government with this digital ‘mystery picture’ activity.
- Plus Plan
Australian States, Territories and Capital Cities - Class Display
Brighten up your classroom bulletin boards with a vibrant and informative classroom display about Australia’s states and territories.
- Plus Plan
What Can We Recycle? Cut and Paste Worksheet
Remember what to recycle with a cut-and-paste worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Features of Maps - Exit Tickets
Assess student map and globe skills with twenty exit ticket worksheets.
- Free Plan
NAIDOC Week Collaborative Art Activity
A collaborative art activity to create and display in your classroom during NAIDOC Week.
- Plus Plan
Geography Flip Book
A flip book to use when learning about geography.
- Plus Plan
Exploring the NAIDOC Week Theme – Worksheet
A worksheet to use when exploring the NAIDOC Week theme.
- Plus Plan
Transport Then and Now - Memory Game
A fun memory game for students to match past and present modes of transport.
- Plus Plan
Australian Immigration Infographic Poster
A poster to displaying statistics regarding Australian immigration.
- Plus Plan
Systems of Government - Inquiry Task
Research different systems of government around the world with this inquiry-based project.
- Plus Plan
The Senate Infographic Poster
A poster to display in the classroom explaining the structure of the Senate.
- Plus Plan
The House of Representatives Infographic Poster
A poster to display in the classroom explaining the structure of the House of Representatives.
- Plus Plan
Separation of Powers Infographic Poster
A poster to display in the classroom explaining how the powers of Parliament are separated between the Judiciary, Executive Government, and Parliament.
- Plus Plan
Class Election Templates
Use this set of posters, interview questions and a class ballot to use in a mock election or class election.
- Free Plan
Federation Sorting Activity
A hands-on sorting activity to use when introducing the arguments around Australian Federation.
- Plus Plan
Timeline of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People 66 000 BCE to 1788 CE - Banner
A four-page timeline of the history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people between 66 000 BCE and 1788 CE.
- Plus Plan
Flags of Australia – Art Activity
A creative art activity to use when commemorating important events such as Australia Day, Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week.
- Free Plan
My School – Worksheets
A set of 4 worksheets that allow students to describe the special and important features of their school.
- Free Plan
My Home – Worksheets
A set of 4 worksheets that allow students to describe the special and important features of their home.
- Plus Plan
Celebrations Around The World - Fact Sheet Pack
A pack of 6 fact sheets detailing different celebrations around the world.
- Plus Plan
What is a Desert? Poster
A poster with information about the plant life, climate and annual rainfall that characterise a desert environment.
- Plus Plan
Australian Early Settler Word Wall Vocabulary
Vocabulary associated with Australian Early Settlers.
- Plus Plan
Exploring How People and Places Affect One Another - Geography Word Wall Vocabulary
63 exploring the affects of people and places vocabulary cards.