Microsoft PowerPoint Template (.potx) Teaching Resources
- Plus Plan
Supply Teaching Day Plan - Year 1 (Version 6)
A supply teaching day plan for Year 1.
- Plus Plan
What's the Problem?
A 60 minute lesson in which students will develop a complication and resolution for a fairy tale.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand how climate can influence the vegetation and animals found in a desert.
- Plus Plan
Expanding Numbers to 10 000
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate how place value can be used to expand numbers.
- Plus Plan
Deciduous Forests
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand how climate can influence the vegetation and animals found in a deciduous forest.
- Plus Plan
Partitioning Numbers to 10 000
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate how place value can be used to partition numbers into smaller parts.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Simple Narrative Structure
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the structure of a narrative text.
- Plus Plan
Introducing Simple Narrative Structure
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the structure of a narrative text using fairy tales.
- Plus Plan
Applying Resilience Strategies
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the best resilience Tool Kit strategy to use in different bullying scenarios.
- Plus Plan
Applying Proofreading and Editing Skills
A 60 minute lesson in which students will learn and apply proofreading and editing skills.
- Plus Plan
Reporting Bullying
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the importance of reporting bullying and who to report to.
- Plus Plan
Writing a Narrative - Sensational Story Starters
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate exciting, attention-grabbing methods of starting a story.
- Plus Plan
What is Resilience?
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify and understand emotional resilience.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Features - Developing a Plot
A 60 minute lesson in which students will develop a plot for a narrative which includes a setting, characters and a problem to be solved.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify what cyberbullying is.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Features - Building a Character
A 60 minute lesson in which students will use descriptive language effectively to build a character.
- Plus Plan
What Bullying is Not
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify what bullying is not.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Features - Creating a Setting
A 60 minute lesson in which students will use descriptive language effectively to create a narrative setting.
- Plus Plan
What is Bullying?
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the key traits of bullying.
- Plus Plan
Using Descriptive and Comparative Language
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand how descriptive and comparative language is used in informative texts.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Texts - Language Features
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify and explore the language features of narrative texts.
- Plus Plan
Bullying and Our Emotions
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify different emotions and how bullying can make a person feel.
- Plus Plan
Informative Texts - Language Features
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify and explore the language features of informative texts.
- Plus Plan
Forms of Poetry
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore some well-known and commonly used forms of fixed verse.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Texts - Text Structure
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify and explore the structure of narrative texts.
- Plus Plan
Informative Texts - Text Structure
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify and explore the structure of information reports.
- Plus Plan
What's The Story With Stories?
- Plus Plan
Celestial Bodies - The Moon
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate the key features of the moon.
- Plus Plan
Just the Facts!
A 60 minute lesson in which students will use facts to describe people, places, animals and objects.
- Plus Plan
Celestial Bodies - The Earth
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate the key features of Earth.
- Plus Plan
Fact or Opinion?
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the difference between a fact and an opinion.
- Plus Plan
Applying Proofreading and Editing Skills
A 60 minute lesson in which students will learn and apply proofreading and editing skills.