Chemistry Teaching Resources
Use this collection of teaching resources when studying chemistry in your primary classroom. The collection includes a variety of worksheets and posters specifically addressing pure substances and mixtures.
- Plus Plan
Pure Substances and Mixtures Science PowerPoint
A 30 slide editable PowerPoint Template for teaching a chemistry unit on pure substances, mixtures and separating techniques.
- Plus Plan
Periodic Table of the Elements Posters
A bright and informative Periodic Table of the Elements poster.
- Plus Plan
Science Page Border (Landscape) – Word Template
Microsoft Word page border template with a Science theme.
- Plus Plan
Science Page Border - Word Template
Microsoft Word page border template with a Science theme.
- Plus Plan
Make an Eggshell Disappear - Science Experiment Booklet
A fun science experiment involving chemistry.
- Plus Plan
What's the Use? PowerPoint - Developing a Hypothesis to Investigate
A teaching presentation discussing the development of a scientific hypothesis.
- Plus Plan
Freedom of Choice PowerPoint - Developing Scientific Lines of Questioning
A teaching presentation discussing the development of scientific lines of questioning.
- Plus Plan
Natural Science PowerPoint - How Do People Use Natural Resources?
A teaching presentation discussing natural resources and how humans interact with them.
- Plus Plan
Plastic and Concrete PowerPoint - How Do People Use Processed Materials?
A teaching presentation discussing processed materials and their uses.
- Plus Plan
Techniques for Separating Mixtures - Worksheet
A matching task relating to separating mixtures techniques.
- Plus Plan
Pure Substances and Mixtures - Vocabulary Worksheet
A vocabulary matching task relating to pure substances and mixtures.
- Plus Plan
Physical and Chemical Properties of Substances Worksheet
A sorting task relating to physical and chemical properties of substances.
- Plus Plan
What are Pure Substances and Mixtures? – Posters
2 posters explaining pure substances and mixtures.
- Plus Plan
Pure Substances and Mixtures – Separation Techniques Posters
A set of 6 separation techniques posters.
- Plus Plan
Pure Substances and Mixtures – Title Poster
A poster to use on your Pure Substances and Mixtures display board.
- Plus Plan
Pure Substances and Mixtures - Teaching Resource Pack
A collection of teaching resources to use when teaching a chemistry unit on pure substances, mixtures and separating techniques.
All About Water - Simple Science Experiments
Why do icebergs float? How does salinity affect the different layers of the ocean? Use these two easy science experiments for kids to introduce how water density and temperature affect ecosystems, sustainability and the environment.