Maths Teaching Resources
A variety of Maths teaching resources to use when teaching numeracy concepts. Available in this extensive collection are resources to use when working on patterns and algebra, fractions, decimals and percentages, angles, units of measurement, money and financial mathematics, counting, place value, operations, location and transformation, problem-solving, chance, shape, graphs and data, mathematics investigations and numbers. These Numeracy teaching resources include lesson and unit plans, PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, posters, games, maths investigations and interactive activities.
- Plus Plan
Time Machine Match-Up Activity
A fun sorting activity that consolidates knowledge of time to the hour, half-hour and to the quarter-hour.
- Plus Plan
Tangram Activity
A poster showing examples of tangram shapes and a tangram template.
- Plus Plan
Let's Sort It! - 2D Shapes and 3D Objects Sorting Activity
A sorting game to use in the classroom when identifying the properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects.
- Plus Plan
Alphabet and Digit Mini Flashcards
A set of alphabet (upper case and lower case) and digit (0-1) flashcards.
- Plus Plan
Chance Word Wall Vocabulary
A comprehensive selection of chance vocabulary for use on a Mathematics Word Wall.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication/Times Tables Bookmarks
1 to 12 times tables bookmarks to help students learning multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Frog in a Pond - Colour by Numbers
Colour by numbers is a fun and easy way to help students recognise digits.
- Plus Plan
Introducing the Numbers 1–10 Classroom Display
A diverse array of title and display cards which can be used to create an individualised classroom display for the numbers 1–10.
- Plus Plan
Percentages, Decimals and Fractions in Real Life Poster
A poster showing everyday examples of percentages, decimals and fractions.
- Plus Plan
Making 10 Number Bonds - Worksheet
A worksheet to practise the addition strategy of making 10.
- Plus Plan
Cover Up! – Subitising Numbers Game
A game to practice subitising numbers 1–6.
- Plus Plan
Numbers, Words, Dots and Tallies Match-Up Activity - 1 to 20
A game to help your students understand numbers and all of the different ways they can be represented.
- Plus Plan
3-Digit Place Value Houses – Template
A hands-on resource to consolidate students' early understandings of place value.
- Plus Plan
Length Vocabulary Poster
A poster that explains the concept of length and lists associated vocabulary.
- Plus Plan
Pattern Colouring In - Coral Scene
Use colours to create a pattern using this sheet.
- Plus Plan
Pattern Colouring In - City Scene
Use colours to create a pattern using this sheet.
- Plus Plan
12- and 24- Hour Time Dominoes
A set of time dominoes to use in the classroom when converting 12- and 24- hour time.
- Plus Plan
Roman Numeral Sign 1 - 10,000
Roman numerals can be difficult to learn and retain. Use this poster as a visual stimulus in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Greater/Less Than Crocodile Posters
Greater and less than can be easily confused, but Snappy uses visual representation to make it all so much clearer.
- Plus Plan
Pattern Colouring In (Version 4)
Use colours to create a pattern using this sheet.
- Plus Plan
Pattern Colouring In (Version 3)
Use colours to create a pattern using this sheet.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Multiplication Strategies Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Goal Labels - Fractions (Key Stage 2 - Upper)
Twenty-three Fraction Goal Labels for Key Stage 2 - Upper.
- Plus Plan
Pattern Colouring In (Version 1)
Use colours to create a pattern using this sheet.
- Plus Plan
What's My Card? Triple-Digit Board Game
Guess the mystery 3 digit numbers by asking your opponent a series of elimination questions.
- Plus Plan
Days of the Week Worksheet - Writing
A simple worksheet to assist students in learning the days of the week.
- Plus Plan
Dan's Digital World - Product Brochure
A generic electronics brochure to use as a stimulus worksheet for maths activities.
- Plus Plan
Maths Word Problem Cards – Addition and Subtraction – Middle Primary
Twenty addition and subtraction word problem cards for middle primary.
- Plus Plan
'I Can' Statements - Numeracy (Lower Primary)
A set of 129 'I can' statement cards focusing on numeracy for lower primary.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Word Problem Task Cards (Numbers 1-50)
Use a range of addition and subtraction strategies to solve twenty word problems that contain numbers 1–50.
- Plus Plan
Daily Maths Word Problems - Year 6 (Worksheets)
A set of 20 problem-solving questions suited to year 6 students.
- Plus Plan
Pandora's Party Palace Maths Activity – Upper Years
16 mathematics problem solving task cards involving money in a real-world context.