Projects Teaching Resources
These projects are open-ended investigations and tasks which encourage the students to think critically and logically to complete tasks. Projects encourage independence and self-management.
- Plus Plan
Time Maths Investigation - The Sands of Time
A mathematics investigation about measuring time, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Sticky Friction
A science experiment which investigates the relationship between friction and the properties of various materials.
- Plus Plan
Throwing, Dropping, Bouncing, Rolling - Science Experiment
A science experiment which investigates the relationship between multiple forces acting on a single object in various ways.
- Plus Plan
There's a Fraction Too Much Friction - Science Experiment
A science experiment which investigates rolling friction and the properties of various materials and shapes.
- Plus Plan
The Natural Environment of Africa - Inquiry Task
An inquiry task focusing on the natural environment of the grasslands of Africa.
- Plus Plan
The Natural Environment of South America - Inquiry Task
An inquiry task focusing on the natural environment of the Amazon rainforest in South America.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Does the Sun Produce Heat?
A science experiment which explores the sun as a heat source.
- Plus Plan
Minibeast Mission - Research Task
A fun research task to use in the classroom when investigating different types of minibeasts.
- Plus Plan
How to Build an Earthworm House Project
A comprehensive step-by-step guide to building an earthworm house.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Keep Me Dry
A science experiment which explores the absorptive properties of materials.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Will It Change?
A science investigation in which the students observe changes that occur to various objects over time.
- Plus Plan
Number and Algebra Mathematics Investigation - The Solar System in Our Space
A mathematics investigation about number and the scale of the solar system, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Frida's Fiesta: Open for Business - Inquiry Project
An inquiry project where students get the opportunity to design their own restaurant.
- Plus Plan
Countries and Their Cultural Contributions – Worksheet
An activity for students to research the cultural contributions from countries around the world.
- Plus Plan
Five Wonders Theme Park: Induction Booklet – Project
A project where students study the Five Wonders Theme Park stimulus poster to understand and use real world learning skills.
- Plus Plan
Money and Finances Maths Investigation – Pop–Up Shop on Wheels
A project where students use their mathematic skills to plan a fundraiser for a charity of choice.
- Plus Plan
Fractions Maths Investigation - Fly That Flag!
A mathematics investigation about fractions, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Develop a Habitat - Garden Project
A project-based assessment task for students to demonstrate their understanding of how habitats can be preserved and protected in and around where people live.
- Plus Plan
Rio Carnival - Inquiry Research Task
An inquiry task where students research the history of Rio Carnival.
- Plus Plan
Frida's Fiesta: Layout Confusion – Projects
A project where students can explore different dietary requirements and the types of food that cater for them.
- Plus Plan
International Holiday at Five Wonders Theme Park – Inquiry Project
A inquiry project where students study the Five Wonders Theme Park stimulus poster while inquiring about an international city.
- Free Plan
Challenging Female Gender Stereotypes Inquiry Task
An inquiry task to use in the classroom when learning about inspirational contemporary women.
- Plus Plan
Olympic Host City Inquiry Task – Worksheet
A 3 page inquiry research task in which students identify the advantages and disadvantages of having the Olympics in their own city.
- Plus Plan
Volume Investigation - Creating the Land of Cubes
A mathematics investigation involving volume, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Flood Safety Poster - Design and Create Task
A design and create task for students to demonstrate their understanding of the impact of floods.
- Plus Plan
Length Investigation - The Longest Finger
A mathematics investigation involving length, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Frida's Fiesta: Dietary Requirements – Projects
A project where students can explore different dietary requirements and the types of food that cater for them.
- Plus Plan
Data Maths Investigation – Line Up the Coins
A mathematics investigation about data, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Suck It Up!
A science experiment which investigates the absorptive properties of various materials.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Keeping Out the Heat
A science experiment which investigates which material is the best insulator of heat.
- Plus Plan
Mass Investigation - How Heavy Are the Objects in Your Classroom?
A mathematics investigation involving mass, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Angles of Reflection
A science experiment that explores reflected light.