EAL Teaching Resources
A collection of English as an Additional Language teaching resources. For students who speak a language or dialect other than Standard British English, access to language and literacy development is especially important. EAL students learn English at the same time as they are learning the content of each learning area through English. It is important to acknowledge and value all students' home language, prior knowledge and experiences of these students, and to build on these in developing the students’ literacy capabilities in the curriculum. This collection has not only posters and visual displays to use in your classroom, but also a large range of texts with associated content that encompass EAL in the classroom. EAL can also be referred to as ESL, English as second language and EAL/D.
- Plus Plan
Student Profile Template
A profile template to use when recording information about students and their learning needs.
- Plus Plan
My Emotions Wheel
An emotions wheel for students to communicate how they are feeling.
- Plus Plan
Alphabet Colouring In Sheets
A set of colouring sheets covering each letter of the alphabet.
- Plus Plan
Ocean Themed Collective Noun Dominoes
A set of ocean themed collective noun dominoes.
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Everyday Opposites - Dominoes
A set of dominoes to consolidate students' understanding of opposites.
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Antonym Coding Robot Mat
A coding robot mat focusing on different antonyms.
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My Word of the Day Mat
A fun worksheet to use in the classroom when building vocabulary.
- Plus Plan
Visual Daily Timetable - Desk Strip
A visual timetable for students who could benefit from having the days activities displayed on their desk.
- Plus Plan
Upper Primary Handwriting Sheets
Fifteen handwriting sheets for upper primary.
- Plus Plan
Homophones Posters Original Design Resource Pack
11 posters showing the different spelling and meanings of homophones.
- Plus Plan
Adjectives Order of Comparison Resource Pack
A resource pack of posters displaying the orders of comparison for adjectives.