Gardens Teaching Resources
- Â Plus Plan
Garden Design Project
Your students' task is to develop their own plan for a garden.
- Â Plus Plan
Develop a Habitat - Garden Project
A project-based assessment task for students to demonstrate their understanding of how habitats can be preserved and protected in and around where people live.
- Â Plus Plan
Class Garden Posters
A series of posters that remind students how to properly care for your class garden.
15 Sustainability Activities and Ideas for the Classroom
Need ideas for lessons on sustainability? Here are 15 fun and engaging activities, ideas and resources to help explore global issues across the primary curriculum.
Composting in the Classroom - Including Curriculum Links!
Nearly 25% of all landfill waste could have been composted into a rich, beneficial resource. This blog outlines how you can compost in your classroom...
A Simple DIY Classroom Garden
If I can create this class garden, anyone can...
The Best and Worst Plants for the Classroom
Do you want to know the five best plants to keep in the classroom? Check out this list of allergy-free, easy-care indoor plants!