Graphic Organisers Teaching Resources
Graphic organisers can assist students to organise their thinking and learning. As a tool in the classroom, these resources can help students draw out relationships between ideas or concepts and express them in a graphic display. These visual representations may also assist students to retain information. This resource collection includes templates, charts and diagrams. Organisers related to the five senses, note taking and summarising stories are included as are charts such as the Venn diagram and Y-Chart.
- Plus Plan
Hamburger Structure Chart - Graphic Organiser
Use this blank hamburger graphic organiser to help students visually outline the key components of a good paragraph.
- Plus Plan
Summarising An Information Text Graphic Organiser
A teaching resource to help teach your students how to summarise an information text.
- Plus Plan
Know Wonder Learned - KWL Chart - Polkadots
These KWL charts can help students gather and organise information on their research topic.
- Plus Plan
Know Wonder Learned - KWL Chart - Stripes
These KWL charts can help students gather and organise information on their research topic.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Pros and Cons Template
A template for comparing the pros and cons of two items.
- Plus Plan
Sensory Chart Graphic Organiser
A graphic organiser for students to use when categorising sensory details.
- Plus Plan
Summarising a Story Graphic Organiser (Alternate Version)
A teaching resource to help your students summarise a story.