Maths Games Teaching Resources
An extensive collection of hands-on games to use when teaching a range of mathematical concepts. Games give students opportunities to explore fundamental number concepts, such as the counting sequence, one-to-one correspondence, and computation strategies. Engaging mathematical games can also encourage students to explore number combinations, place value, patterns, and other important mathematical concepts. Games in this collection include match-up puzzles, dominoes, board games, bingo, sorting activities and many more.
4 Quick and Easy Maths Tricks for the Classroom
You know those mind-blowing maths tricks shared all over social media? As teachers, we either love them or cringe when we see them!
68 Ideas and Tips for Setting Up Maths Rotations in the Classroom
To do maths rotations or not?
Hands-On Maths Tool Box in the Classroom
Most children learn maths through multiple representations and with hands-on activities.