undefined Teaching Resources
- Plus Plan
Word Families - 'UN'
Rhyming words for 'un'.
- Plus Plan
Word Families - 'AY'
Rhyming words for 'ay'.
- Plus Plan
Word Families - 'AT'
Rhyming words for 'at'.
- Plus Plan
Rhyming Words Snap Cards
A set of 32 snap cards to reinforce word families and rhyming with your students.
- Plus Plan
Word Family Sorting Activity – Set 4
A sorting activity to practice word families.
- Plus Plan
Word Family Sorting Activity – Set 3
A sorting activity using word families.
- Plus Plan
Word Family Sorting Activity – Set 2
A word family sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Word Family Sorting Activity – Set 1
A sorting activity to practise identifying word families.
- Plus Plan
Rhyming Dominoes
Dominoes using rhyming words.
- Plus Plan
Find and Sort Active Game
An active game that allows students to practise sorting word families.
- Plus Plan
Word Families - Consonant Vowel Consonant (CVC) Words
A set of 23 Consonant Vowel Consonant (CVC) pages, with missing letters and illustration prompts, for your students to complete.
- Plus Plan
Word Family Slide Activity
A set of 12 word families are used to create this fun individual or small group activity using planes.
- Plus Plan
Word Family Sorting Cards
A set of 36 sorting cards to reinforce word families and rhyming with your students.
- Plus Plan
Word Families - 'ELL'
Rhyming words for 'ell'.
- Plus Plan
Word Families - 'ED'
Rhyming words for 'ed'.
Word Family Paper Cups | Hands-On Phonics
Find out how fun and easy it is to make word family paper cups. Use these clever cups as a hands-on learning tool to accelerate learning in early years phonics. Plus, find other essential word family teaching resources.
27 Practical Word Wall Ideas for the Classroom
Some neat ideas for setting up a word wall in your classroom...check them out here...