
Monitoring Comprehension Symbols Flashcards

  • Updated

    Updated: 17 Apr 2019

A set of flashcards displaying symbols students can use to monitor their understanding of a text.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Years

    Years: 1 - 6


Monitoring Comprehension Symbols Flashcards

  • Updated

    Updated: 17 Apr 2019

A set of flashcards displaying symbols students can use to monitor their understanding of a text.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Years

    Years: 1 - 6

A set of flashcards displaying symbols students can use to monitor their understanding of a text.

Use these flashcards in your classroom when teaching your students about the reading comprehension strategy of monitoring.

Students can use the flashcards during guided reading group sessions to monitor and demonstrate their level of understanding of the text.

The flashcards could be laminated and attached to a keyring to make them easier for the students to use.

There are symbols for the following:

  • I understand this part of the text.
  • I am confused by this part of the text.
  • I am surprised by this part of the text.
  • I think this part of the text is important.
  • I learned something new from this part of the text.
  • I really enjoyed this part of the text.



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to comment
  • Richard Cashman

    This said Free Download and to sign up to download it. After signing up, it changed to Upgrade to Download. This is deceptive, wrong and immoral.

    • Trish (Teach Starter)

      I'm sorry for the confusion there, Richard. Are you able to confirm where you saw this listed as free? It's definitely a premium resource and should be saying 'upgrade to download' when not logged in to a paid account.

Monitoring Comprehension Symbols Flashcards