Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
- Plus Plan
Word Twist - Word Building Game
Encourage word building in your classroom with this fun Boggle-style game!
- Plus Plan
Punctuation Bookmarks – Lower Grades
A quick reference punctuation guide for students on a bookmark.
- Plus Plan
Editing Bookmarks
A clear and colorful editing checklist for students to refer to when proofreading their writing.
- Plus Plan
Editing Passage Task Cards - Grade 2
A set of 20 editing passage task cards with answers.
- Plus Plan
Apostrophes Poster
A poster showing how to use apostrophes.
- Plus Plan
September Homeschool Resource Pack - Grade 2
A collection of age-appropriate, Grade 2 teaching resources and activities for homeschool parents to use with their children during the month of September.
- Plus Plan
Let's Build a Sentence Unit Plan
This English unit has been designed to introduce the key components of simple and compound sentences to younger students; specifically, capital letters and punctuation; verbs, nouns, adjectives, and conjunctions.
- Plus Plan
Proofreading and Editing - Narrative Writing
A 60 minute lesson in which students will learn and apply proofreading and editing skills.