Math 1.1(A)
apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace;
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4 teaching resources for those 'aha' moments
- Â Plus Plan
Open-Ended Math Problem Solving - Grades 1, 2, and 3 (PowerPoint Version)
A PowerPoint with 20 open-ended problem solving questions covering a range of mathematical concepts.
- Â Plus Plan
What Can You Do? 1st Grade Time Printables
Help your students understand time increments with a pair of cut-and-paste math worksheets for first grade.
- Â Plus Plan
2-D Shape Math Investigation - My Crazy Playhouse!
A mathematics investigation involving 2-D shape, embedded in a real-world context.
- Â Plus Plan
Open-ended Math Problem Solving - Grades 1, 2, and 3 (Task Card Version)
A set of 20 open-ended problem solving task cards covering a range of mathematical concepts.